We offer every service to turn your concept into a reality. After an initial phone consultation, we will develop a strategy that fits your needs, vision, and budget.
Our Services Include...
- Full Business Planning
- Market Research
- Budget Advice
- Cost of Goods Projections
- Net and Gross Profit Projections
- Full Project Financial Projections
- Equipment Advice Selection and Negotiations
- Building Selection Advice
- Blueprints and Architectural Services
- Stainless Steel Bonding
- Layout and CAD Drawings
- Oversight of Equipment Delivery and Installation
- Commissioning and Training
- Recipe Development
- Branding, Packaging and Logo Advice
- Public Relations and Advertising
- Complete Website Design and Development
- Federal and State Licensing
- Drafting Investor Agreements
- Drafting Articles of Incorporation
ABC knows that assembling costs for a brewery can be a daunting experience. Some start-ups are well funded, while others are running on a shoestring budget. We will work with you individually; to develop a strategy, a brew system, and plan that gets you the information you need, without straining your budget. Our initial consultation is free. Please call and introduce yourself, tell us about your vision, ideas, and goals.
See our price sheet for an estimated cost, or contact us now for a quote.
Financial Costing and Projections
This will include the detailed cost of beer for various styles built from your specific parameters: Your economy of scale; your recipe; labor costs; Federal and Local Taxes; local utilities. We will supply you with the precise cost of goods, wholesale and retail per BBL as well as a similar breakdown for various packaging options. We offer free revisions for up to a year if the scope of your project changes.
These will be worked into three-year profit and loss sheets, which will incorporate all your products offered, and profits weighed against your expenses. If you plan to present your idea to a bank of investors you will find this service to be a valuable and accurate resource.
Business Planning
A full business plan will be constructed using a template I developed with the Small Business Association. Included will be a clear and organized presentation of your project, your products, and your team. This plan will also include addendums for your selected building, industry trends and information, and your equipment descriptions, drawings, and quotes.
You will receive your plan via PDF and you will also be mailed two, full-color, tabbed three-ring binders. Extra binders are available.
Delivery Oversight and Installation
We are also willing to spend time on-site overseeing your delivery. We can build your glycol delivery loop and feeds to your brewhouse and tanks as well as engineer your draft line delivery system. We can build your glycol system from scratch with a compressor, reservoir and heat exchange, or fabricate and connect the loop to a turnkey glycol system – and fully integrate into a control panel or your PLC. We can commission the system, clean it, ‘pickle’ your transfer lines, work with your contractors, train your brewers and staff, and help develop recipes.
Production Flow Oriented Planning
Smart Early Planning is crucial to long-term success. We can help you plan your space to optimize production and plan for growth. State and Federal Permitting will require drawings of your layout and system. And your contractors will require accurate drawings for accurate bids. This is a critical stage. After signing a mortgage or a lease, it is usually crucial for a business to be able to generate revenue. Smart Planning can minimize risk and avoid costly work stoppages, cost overruns or permit issues. Smart early planning will also save you frustration down the road from poorly sloped floors, improperly placed drains or structural pitfalls.
Our affiliated architect and engineer will supply you with detailed, accurate CAD drawings, which will incorporate your layout, optimum workflow, and leave room for growth. These drawings will be stamp-ready, and if your project is in Oregon or Washington we can stamp them for you.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
This is one standard all food producers must implement. As brewers or potential brewery owners, you may not be familiar with this program – because beer is a boiled product, and naturally staves off harmful pathogens, it’s been largely unregulated by Federal food production standards and the industry hasn’t been subjected to HACCP standards. But this will be changing. With the multitude of small, production-based breweries, the word is that the Federal Government will soon be enforcing HACCP standards on breweries that package and distribute to the general public.
Plan now and avoid potential stoppages in production. If and when an inspection comes, you will be forced to develop a HACCP program, a flowchart, train your staff and modify any production areas that are potential hazards, (mold collection areas, exposed interior walls, hanging insulation, improperly screened windows…)
Let our HACCP expert audit your existing brewery or develop a plan from the outset of your future brewery and save yourself a potentially devastating halt of production and sudden compliance expenses.